
How to learn English in a month?

No way. Neither in a week, nor in a month, nor in 3 is it possible to learn a language and translate arabic to english. It is possible to memorize a few common phrases, it is also possible to learn a few grammatical constructions, but the rest is not.

If any courses promise that you will magically speak like a native speaker in one month’s time (as most students do), consider it just wasted time and money thrown away.

Any foreign language is a complex, structured system with a lot of interrelated components. With classes at least 2 times a week, taking into account the completed homework, in a month you will be able to clearly outline a study plan for your needs and get the first results in the form of a fluent conversation (within your level) on several topics and correct constructions in sentences.

In English, there are several aspects on which a good basic level is built: vocabulary, grammar, reading, speaking, listening, writing.

Vocabulary is first of all memorized, whoever thinks differently – you are wrong. Without memorization of words, you can get only a short-term result. Separately, it is better not to learn words, memorize them immediately in phrases. Then we introduce new words and phrases into Speaking.

Speaking and translate english to tamil is our everything, it is possible to work out any constructions in the context of topics of interest. In the classroom, it is better to talk a lot with minor mistakes than to think for half an hour how to correctly compose 1 sentence. Discussing any exercise, discussing business, plans, you are talking. The teacher will always help and give the necessary phrases to practice not only the answer to the question “How are you?”, but also something more entertaining.

The grammar aspect is practiced through exercises and practice in speaking. Lots and lots of exercise, yes. One grammatical topic can be worked out as 1 lesson or 10 – no need to rush things if something is not clear. And some topics require repetition from year to year.

The aspect of reading, oddly enough, is practiced by reading. Reading is directly related to the memorization of new words and structures and is especially useful for those who have a good visual memory. You need to read not only texts from the textbook, but also articles on English-language sites, subtitles for films (listening + reading).

Listening and writing are ignored by many, it seems to be so good. But, unfortunately, if you do not listen to audio recordings for the study guide and different people with different accents, you can simply come to beautiful England one day and not understand what they want to convey to you. Writing allows you to correctly and clearly express thoughts on paper, and if the teacher does not force you to write at least 2-3 times a month, you have a bad teacher.

In the race for the result, do not forget about quality. But quantity always turns into quality, and you can’t argue with that. Lessons in our school are first of all Quality. Don’t expect miracles, start learning foreign languages ​​right now!